In Dancing Through It, New York City Ballet dancer Jenifer Ringer shares how an eating disorder almost ends her ballet career — but of how she ultimately goes on to have a long, successful tenure at NYCB, even being promoted to principal dancer in the year 2000.
She also shares an interesting milestone of her life: she receives a throng of media attention in 2010, when New York Times reviewer Alastair Macaulay writes that, on stage, Ringer "looked as if she'd eaten one sugar plum too many."
Many of Ringer’s fans, aware of her previous struggles with an eating disorder, feel a collective sense of outrage toward Macaulay.
His review goes viral, and thousands of people rise to Ringer’s defense, a surreal but also encouraging experience for her.
She ends up discussing the review and her reaction to it on national television, in appearances on both Oprah and The Today Show.
Dancing Through It is available on Amazon and at the following online shops:
Readers will appreciate Ringer's behind-the-scenes insights into life at NYCB and also her unique views on body image and self-acceptance.